Oliver Päßler

Siemens Compliance Program

 Why we all should act ǀ 3.20 min ǀ 2008 ǀ Siemens AG ǀ Agency Virtual Identity | Production Propellerfilm ǀ Concept & Director Oliver Päßler | Camera Axel Schneppat & Sven Müller | Editing Ulrike Mayer | Expert Advice Dominic Kerner

After the corruption affair in 2006 Siemens decides on a radical restructuring of the company. The new chief executive Peter Löscher makes ´Compliance´ a matter of top priority: ´Clean Business Everybody, Everywhere, Anytime´. Within a very short time a special Compliance Organization is set up.

Communicating relevant experiences to the public results in a comprehensive film project, subdivided into 5 modules with a total length of 45 min. One of its major objectives is to stress Siemens´ claim to a leading role also in this field. The different sections of the film comprise the communication of compliance as ´Tone from the Top´, the compliance program: ´Prevent, Detect, Respond´, the organizational structure from top to regional level, the fight against corruption and future challenges for the company and its stakeholders.



Tone from the Top

Compliance Organization

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